Donald Emery on Tractors
I was ploughing in one of the fields they called Big Ganderdown which is on the way to Bembridge and in those days you didn’t have what they call the under over ploughs that you’ve got now, you literally had to mark out your furrows and you went up and stuck up sticks with a bit of white cloth in the top so you could line up and make a nice straight veer out as we used to call it and I’m going up the hill in Big Ganderdown, following, looking at my little white dot and driving my way up there and I suddenly realised it wasn’t a white dot, it was a seagull walking along the field and I looked behind and I’m going [makes a descriptive noise] and I didn’t live that down for months afterwards ‘cos it was right in the sight of the road, you know? Oh, funny really, I never forgot that one (laughs).