Dianne and Paul Whitelock and Sandra Piggot on Newport Creameries
Dianne: Talking about that Sandra, we used to sit in the back. Can you remember sitting in the back of the van or the Landover with the little bull calves that used to have to go Market and they were about a few days old?
Sandra: Yes, that’s right. We used to hold onto them didn’t we?
Dianne: Well not too long …
Sandra: No just for the journey in.
Dianne:Oh yes. Milk churns one side, calves the other, and you’re right, we held onto the calves, or the churns, or ourselves.
Sandra: Yes because after a while they didn’t collect the milk churns. Dad had to take them in himself didn’t he, into the Creameries. Do you remember the Isle of Wight Creameries? Use to fascinate me.
Dianne: Oh, the Isle of Wight Creameries, oh yes, with the big white tanker lorries that used to come over to collect the milk and we used to get bored sitting in the back of the Landover or the van and we used to watch the tankers fill up or be cleaned and they all had names. Can you remember that?
Sandra: Yes.
Dianne: A busy area, the Creameries if I remember rightly. Do you remember that Paul?
Paul: Dad probably had to take the churns in because by then they had gone to bulk tanks and that’s probably the reason …
Sandra: That’s right and the outlying farms or the farms that weren’t big enough we had to take our own milk in because they come and collect, that’s right.
Paul: … the smaller farms you took the churns in.