Peggy Jolliffe on Newport Creameries
We had a milk round at the time which they haven’t got, not now. Yes, just the local people, just down the road from the farm, you know? And was it all bottled up into pints? And when you stood it for a time, you could actually see the cream
…It was unpasteurised wasn’t it? Yeah, it wasn’t pasteurised or anything like that. It was just filtered … when it arrived in the Dairy it was filtered for any specks of dirt or anything like that.
It was like a cotton wool, well similar to cotton wool pad on top of the churns and that’s where it went into the churns then but you had to keep it on all the churns filling up and then it was collected by the Creameries for the lorries the next day.
It’s all changed now though. It automatically gets picked up from the farms on to the Mainland, loose milk and then that’s it, it’s gone. My family made butter but not to sell or anything, we made our own butter. Bottled it ourselves. Didn’t take long what we did. And green lids on the top with HP & J Flux. That’s right. That was Channel Island milk, green.