Dianne Whitelock and Sandra Piggot on Newport Market
Sandra: Tuesday was Market Day. I can remember we often used to go in. I mean I still think of (laughs) Morrison’s as Market Place. It’s funny isn’t it? You just never forget, that stays in your mind because it was a fantastic place. It was a small country market and it was wonderful. The animals penned in, the Auctioneers, we used to love going. I suppose it must have been school holiday time we went in with dad on a Tuesday to the Market ‘cos there was quite often something to be sold.
Dianne: Talking about that Sandra, we used to sit in the back. Can you remember sitting in the back of the van or the Landover with the little bull calves that used to have to go Market and they were about a few days old?
Sandra: Yes, that’s right. We used to hold onto them didn’t we?
Dianne: Oh yes. Milk churns one side, calves the other, and you’re right, we held onto the calves, or the churns, or ourselves.